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School and Fundraising? Getting it Right In the Correct Order

Getting it Right . . . in the correct order!

The mistakes have been made by a number of schools and I’m pleased when invited to help steer them back on track with their approach to fundraising.  A common mistake is starting a development office and expecting the appointed person to simply make it happen – without the support of governors or other leaders – setting often unrealistic fundraising expectations.

As I look back at schools where I was involved 10, 15 or 20 years ago, the pattern is similar!  Give it time, nurture relationships, seek the involvement of key individuals, ask for support and then continue to thank and look after the donors, is a sure way to success – getting it right, in the right order!  However, often the shorter term view is taken and the school is left floundering, expecting immediate results.

Having recently been called upon to get things back on track in several London schools, it is rewarding to see the results and be making a difference.  Helping recruit the right person to lead the development office is a big factor ,just as ensuring the board and principal understand the success factors.

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