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Aggressive Telephone Fundraising Campaigns Under Threat

Telephone Fundraising Campaigns Under Threat

The forthcoming summit being undertaken by the FRSB and Institute of Fundraising, investigating the sometimes aggressive practice of telephone fundraising, will have a direct impact on the campaigns run by schools and universities.

It will highlight the importance of efficient data management, the need for greater compliance and confirm that taking a relationship building approach to fundraising is the only way forward.  The recent publicity has highlighted to potential donors the opportunity to say no to receiving calls.

Universities have been very aggressive in their fundraising approaches in recent years; far more than schools where the community, and potential donor base, is much smaller and a more caring and nurturing approach is required. In the short term, the aggressive approach can be successful, but the desire for quick funds from new donors may alienate those who feel the approach is based on institutional urgency rather than the donor’s interests.

Telephone campaigns in schools are presently managed to a high standard, especially when outside consultancies are engaged, but the need to nurture existing and potential donors has never been more important.  Managing the database and having an effective communications strategy with members of the school community will become an even more important aspect of the Development Office.

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