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At work: How to Identify and Nurture the Big Givers!

Identify and Nurture the Big Givers!

I am presently working with a school that has no Development Office and little history or culture of asking and giving. They have now, for good reasons, decided that it is time to change and to get serious with Development!
The Head is getting excited because there are one or two current parents saying, “Headmaster, there are a few of us who will help out and can write a cheque”.  The Head is tempted to take the cash, but there is no development plan, no database, no research and no idea where future donations may come from.
After seeking my advice, we now have a strategy which will involve the enthusiastic parents, a development plan emanating from the Headmaster and the senior leadership team and governors have made a commitment to start up a Development Office.  The Development Office is perfectly linked to the Marketing Office to benefit recruitment and admissions but most importantly, the ‘horse is before the cart’ and the school is identifying major potential donors and involving these key players who have the ability and inclination to make a consistent and long term difference.
Identify and nurture the big givers is important!
The school has a proud reputation and this is an exciting project.  I look forward to seeing real and worthwhile outcomes over the months and years ahead.

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