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The Fundraising Feasibility Study (for a School in the UK)

The Fundraising Feasibility Study

Currently in the middle of a resource study for a school in the UK, to determine whether or not it should confidently embark on a major fundraising campaign.  The study hopes to determine whether there is sufficient interest in the priority project, whether there is likely to be sufficient financial support and who the leaders might be, both in fundraising gifts and also in providing the campaign leadership.

Most importantly, with all feasibility studies,  is the knowledge gained about certain perceptions or issues that might affect the school’s ability to raise the funds.  If there are identified barriers , these might simply be hurdles that need to be overcome and the campaign timetable might require adjusting.  It has been known for the campaign to be completely postponed until circumstances are more conducive.
Those schools that have a history or culture of fundraising, a well engaged community and individuals who have shown a commitment to advancing the school, are most likely to see a positive outcome providing the ‘go ahead’ to put the steps in place to confidently proceed.

To proceed with a campaign without the proper research and processes in the right order, can have a damaging affect on the campaign and a failed campaign can severely hamper the school’s fundraising for the years ahead.

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